Weekly Reflection - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (2023)

"I am the Lord and there is no other, there is no God besides me." (Isaiah 45:5)


This is the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time.  We have been created by God to give him glory.  Jesus is our example of a life fully dedicated to God and to others.  There are many motives which direct our actions.  Animals and plants cannot but give God glory but we can freely choose to do so.  


We give God glory by freely doing his will out of love.  St. Augustine in his City of God spoke of one city where man loved himself to the denial of God and another city where man loved God to the denial of himself.  All that we have and are has been given to us by God.  This is God's gift to us.  What we do with this is our gift back to him.  


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I strive to give God glory in my life? 
  • Do I usurp the gifts of God claiming them as my own and using them for my own purpose? 
  • Do I look to the example of Jesus and Mary to see how this is lived out?

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