Altar serving is an excellent way for young people to become actively involved in the Mass. As an altar server, you provide an essential service to the Presider, as well as serve as an example for the entire Good Shepherd community. Altar servers must have received the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Reconciliation, be 10 or older (OR in 4th grade or above) and must be enrolled in parochial school or the religious education program. We also invite adults to altar serve, especially at Sunday 7am & 1pm Masses and at special Masses. This ministry meets for quarterly training sessions that are mandatory for aspiring alter servers and highly recommended for current altar servers. Training dates will be posted in the bulletin. For more information contact Julie Dominguez-Jones or John Huggard at
Men and women, who appreciate art, design and flowers, are encouraged to share their talents to create an environment in our worship space that enhances the liturgy. The Parish supplies all needed resources. For more information contact the parish office at
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) assist the presider in the distribution of communion at Mass or other events such as special liturgical events, funerals, and/or weddings. Ministers must be a Catholic in good standing, have received the sacraments of initiation and be registered in the parish. If you are interested in serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion please start by emailing Elizabeth Edralin at
Application for New EMHC
The Homebound Ministry involves taking the Eucharist/Communion to people who are ill and cannot attend Mass. In addition, the Eucharist is delivered to people in assisted living facilities and to the incarcerated. Members of the Homebound Ministry must be trained as Eucharistic Ministers. For more information, or to sign up as a Eucharistic Minister to the Homebound, please contact Elizabeth Siregar at
Lectors proclaim God's Word to the assembled faith community. Three lectors are scheduled to read at each Sunday Mass. Training sessions are held several times a year and workbooks are provided for each lector to help them prepare for and understand their readings in order to properly proclaim God’s word. For more information contact Chris Faull or Victor Alaniz at
Members of the martha Ministry assist by caring for the altar linens used at all liturgical celebrations: altar cloths, purificators, lavabo and corporals on a weekly basis. In keeping with their calling to care for God's house, members also gather as needed to clean the sanctuary area. Open to all adult parishioners. For more information contact Junia de la Cruz at or Joyce Joves at
Mass Coordinators are responsible for the smooth flow of liturgy at Good Shepherd. The coordinator is monitoring the work of others more than he or she is actually carrying out activities. In essence, the Mass Coordinator will make sure the church is ready for liturgy, ensure presence of all scheduled participants, respond to emergencies during liturgy, and close up church after liturgy. For more information contact Jim Spano at
Ministers of Music help the congregation praise God through the singing of hymns, psalms, acclamations, and praise songs. The choir members of Good Shepherd share their musical talents and hope to encourage and help others share their gifts and talents. The choir encourages the congregation to sing in full participation and is always open to new members. Click here to find out more about the choir and music for upcoming masses. For more information contact Mike Pott at
"I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” John 6:51
“Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life” (CCC:1324) This Ministry believes and promotes the awareness of the true presence of Jesus in the Holy Mass, Eucharist, adoration & benediction. Through the grace of the Holy Spirit the SSAM ministry works to plan, attend, and grow opportunities for our community to participate in Adoration and Eucharistic devotions. For more information contact Leela Mattathil at, Marbe Agmata at or Gino Maiolini at
The Usher Ministry is a great opportunity to meet parishioners of Good Shepherd Church while performing a vital service in the during the Mass. The hospitality that Ushers show in helping people find a seat, in collecting the gifts of money or in guiding the Communion procession must reflect the idea that the Church is our home. Any parishioner at least 16 years of age or older may be an Usher. Children under age 16 must be assisted by an adult during the collection. For more information contact James Cortes at