The Knights of Columbus, Laguna Council #11236 that is associated with Good Shepherd Church provides support through our time, talent and treasure. We are a leadership resource for our country, our community, our parish, our families and Catholic gentlemen all over world. We support the ministries at Good Shepherd, provide financial aid and scholarships to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton school, the Sacramento Life Center, our brother knights, parishioners and many other worthy causes. There are only two requirements for a man to join the Knights of Columbus: that he is a practicing Catholic as understood by the Church, in communion with the Holy See and that he is 18 years old or older. Council meetings are held on the evening of the third Wednesday of every month in the St. John Paul II Room. Assembly meetings are held on the second Sunday of every month.
If this calling is for you, visit to find out more. You can also contact the Grand Knight, Steve Stenoski, by sending a message at