
Welcome to Good Shepherd Catholic Church. We are delighted to congratulate you on this happy occasion of your child’s baptism. The Sacrament of Baptism initiates your child into the Faith Community of Good Shepherd, and we invite you to worship with us as a family on a regular basis. We encourage all families to get involved in the spiritual life of the parish. 

For children ages six and under, parents are required to take the baptism class.  Children seven years old and older must be enrolled in our religious education program (CFF) for baptism preparation.  More information about CFF.

We are excited to announce that beginning in January, we will once again offer in person baptism classes for parents and godparents.  In person classes will be held on the second Wednesday of every month at 5:30 pm in the St. John Paul II Room.  There will be a $75 registration fee for the in-person class.  Please contact the parish office to register.  At the time of registration, we will also need the completed Baptismal Certificate Information Form and a copy of your child's official birth certificate.

AFTER you have completed the baptism preparation class, you will be able to reserve a date for the baptism.  Baptisms are on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month at 10:00 am (except during Lent). These are group baptisms limited to 10 children. 

If you are a Good Shepherd parishioner that has been asked to be a godparent and you need to take a baptism class for a child being baptized at another parish, please contact us at the number/email below.

You may contact the office at (916) 684-5722 or email Luz Reyna, our Baptism Coordinator, at to register for the class or if you have any additional questions.


Click here to view/print the Baptism Welcome Letter.

Click here to view/print the Baptismal Certificate Information Form.

Click here to view/print the Godparents' Information Sheet.

Click here to view/print the Godparent Verification Form (This form is to be filled out by all Catholic Godparents, regardless of parish of registration.)


Why Do We Baptize Babies?

Why Baptizing Your Baby Is the Most Important Thing You Can Do

The Role of Godparents

Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God Role of Godparents

Luz Reyna

Luz Reyna
Receptionist & Baptism Coordinator