Outreach/Parish Life

Elizabeth Ministry provides prayer, support and encouragement to women of our parish and their families when someone is experiencing either a joy or crisis related to the childbearing years.  If you have experienced the joy of welcoming a child to your family through birth or adoption, the sorrow of infertility, the grief of infant/child loss or the rollercoaster of the adoption process, you can help someone else going through those same experiences by ministering to her.  A secondary activity of our group is bringing meals to families during those times in their lives. Volunteers can be a minister and/or on the Meals Team. For more information contact Celeste Hickman at ElizabethMinistry@gscceg.org or call the church office.

The Evangelization Outreach Ministry shares the mission of the New Evangelization given to us by Pope John Paul II, which supports and serves our community by fostering life-long faith formation through special event speakers, live theater productions, Advent and Lenten special events, and summer book clubs.  Our goal is to deepen relationships with Christ and nourish lives of holiness that transform society and culture.  For more information please contact Donna Gutierrez at donnag1660@gmail.com.

This outreach grief ministry of Good Shepherd provides support to parishioners and their families and friends who are experiencing the loss of a loved one.  Hearts of Compassion is currently offering weekly group sessions which will help in understanding the stages of grief, surviving stress and loneliness, and will offer a session on how memories can become tools for starting a new life.  Time commitments:  Minimal to moderate when grief sessions are meeting.   For more information, please contact Monica Small at hoc@gscceg.org.

The Lazarus Ministry works with grieving families to guide them in planning the funeral Mass for their deceased loved one.  Typically, they meet with the family in person to discuss readings and other parts of the liturgy.  Lazarus Ministers are compassionate and patient as they accompany families through a very difficult time.  For more information contact Liz Ponce at tializponce@gmail.com.

Parish Life Activities Ministry (PLA) is a service ministry which assures Good Shepherd has year-round scheduled events and activities for the parish community to build and foster relationships and to bring us together as one flock, one family.  PLAM hosts an annual solidarity planning workshop with all ministry leads or their designate to schedule and assign the calendar of events.  When requested, members of this ministry may support other ministry's needs through their own acts of service to the parish at large.  This ministry may be responsible to plan and implement occasional fundraisers such as the crab feed and various receptions/potlucks as needed.  PLAM sets guidelines and oversees the parish kitchen to assure ministries restore it to cleanliness, use it safely, and return all equipment and goods to their proper storage. PLAM provides central purchasing of general kitchen and service supplies using parish general funds.  Event specific purchasing is the responsibility of the ministry hosting the event, unless prior arrangements are made with PLAM.  For more information contact Cathy Lorda at i4pugs@aol.com.


The Respect Life Committee seeks to help make Good Shepherd Parish a center for life, a place where parishioners understand the issues and the importance of meeting the needs of those who are most vulnerable – particularly mothers and their unborn children, the seriously ill and their families. The committee seeks to increase awareness concerning the value of life in all of its stages, from conception to natural death.  Planned activities include the annual West Coast “Walk for Life” in San Francisco, the 40 Days for Life prayer vigils, Rosaries for pro-life, sharing the teachings of the Catholic Church on topics like stem cell  research, infertility and its treatments, End of Life issues, and Fetal Development.  The ministry is open to all adults and  students with parent participation.  The time commitment is minimal.  Contact Gary Hickman at greenhope28@yahoo.com for more information.

The Respect Life Ministry includes LifeRunners, a group that runs/walks in the neighborhood or at organized events wearing the Life Runners jersey.  For more information, contact Juanita Baier at juanitabaier@comcast.net.


The Sharing and Caring Seniors are a social group for seniors.  All seniors are welcome.  The group meets monthly.  For more information contact Helen Bayha at 916-683-1943.


St. John Caregiver Support Group offers practical, emotional and spiritual support for all persons who are caregiving for elderly or disabled persons.  The group allows expression in a safe and confidential environment. This group is open to all adult members of Good Shepherd Catholic Church.  


The Mission of the Saint Josephine Bakhita Ministry of Good Shepherd Catholic Church is to honor and promote Black Catholic history and culture, including youth culture, and liturgy, while deepening relationships through fellowship, and familial support. We seek to serve as leaders and educators in our parish, sharing our manifold God-given gifts in ways that benefit all.

Please join us for our Black Catholic History Month celebration in November and Black History Month celebration in February.  If you would like more information about this ministry, or would like to visit during our monthly fellowship gatherings, please contact Valerie Ramos at valerie.ramos@comcast.net.


The Veteran's Ministry is part of the Knights of Columbus.
Submit photos for the Veteran's Display in the church narthex

Good Shepherd’s Vocations Ministry collaborates with the pastor and parish council to develop and implement an integrated pastoral plan to include the fostering of vocations to the priesthood, consecrated/religious life, marriage, single life, and lay ministries.  We work closely with Faith Formation and Spirituality ministries to create a culture of vocation for all age groups.  We support and encourage seminarians, and collaborate with CFF, SEAS, The Grove Youth Ministry, and Fiat Young Adult Ministry to assist in planning and implementing a vocation culture and to assure vocation discernment is included in their regular curriculum.  The Vocations Ministry is open to members of Good Shepherd who are school age (accompanied by an adult) and above.  The time commitment includes attending quarterly meetings, a Holy Hour for vocations (every first Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.),  attendance at the yearly Diocesan Vocation Ministry Retreat, and support of activities in ministries promoting vocations.   Contact Ninfa Campomanes at ninfa.campomanes@gmail.com or Julie Danielson at julielentidanielson@gmail.com for more information.

Works of Mercy Homeless Outreach (WOM) is an integrated, collaborative parish ministry.  We allow God to guide us to express works of mercy to homeless within our reach by providing basic human survival needs including encouragement, hope, guidance, food, clothing, and personal care supplies.  We are driven by the Holy Spirit to put the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:31-46) into action to relieve suffering in the lives of homeless people through the expression of corporal and spiritual works of mercy.   We spread the Word of God primarily through actions and use words when the Spirit leads us to guide, comfort, and provide hope to others.  This year-round ministry is comprised of volunteers 18 and older and students (with adult chaperones) who strive to show Christ-like compassion to our brothers and sisters in need.  Works of Mercy includes preparing and distributing healthy bag lunches weekly with the support of SEAS students, St. Vincent de Paul, and donations from individuals who desire to come to the aid of the needy.  WOM collaborates with all GSCC ministries as well as local community outreach programs.  Details about the ministry can be found in our charter.  For additional information, to make a donation of supplies or cash, or to participate in this ministry, please contact WOM Ministry lead Betty May at bettymay8@gmail.com.   

WHO CAN “Participate": Adults 18 years and older and youth 12 years on up with direct parental supervision.

TIME COMMITMENT: Varies. Meets Monday's in GSCC Kitchen, 9am - 3pm to prepare meals and distribute (by vehicle throughout Sacramento county) to homeless on the streets.  Daily organization of food, clothing and supplies.  Regular participation in: Food Rescue pickup and delivery,  delivery of excess supplies and food to other homeless charities, purchasing of consumables,  special events such as drives for necessities, annual service projects with GSCC youth or adult ministries, community interfaith homeless support and cleanup efforts, city/county Overnight Warming Locations (OWL) and cooling centers, Annual Point in Time Count, etc. 

Check out this article and podcast about the Works of Mercy Ministry

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