Weekly Reflection - 3rd Sunday of Easter (2023)

"Jesus himself drew near and walked with them, but their eyes were prevented from recognizing him." (Lk. 24:16)


This is the 3rd Sunday of Easter.  Jesus walks with the disciples on the road to Emmaus.  This is a perfect example of accompaniment.  We have recognized as a Church the need to meet people where they are at and patiently walk with them.  He patiently explained the truth about himself to them and respected the freedom of their response.


It's difficult to imagine that we do not have someone we know and love who is estranged from the Church.  Jesus teaches us to listen to each person without defending ourselves and without a prepared response.   Dialogue is also important.  We live in a polarized world that does not listen to ways of thinking different than our own.  Love seeks the true good of the other.  We simply treat each person with the love and respect that Christ has treated us.   The protagonist in this process is the Holy Spirit.  We should invoke Him and be docile to His inspirations.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I love and respect others that may look and think differently than myself? 
  • Do I meet each person where they are at and sincerely listen to them? 
  • Do I treat others with the same patience and respect that Christ treats me?

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