Parent Requirements for Sacrament Preparation 2024-2025

Parents/guardians of children enrolled in sacrament preparation (First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation) are required to complete a total of at least 3 Parent Workshops during the 2024-2025 catechetical year: 

ONLY ONE ONLINE Parent Workshop is allowed for 2024-25. 
TWO or more Parent Workshops have to be completed from the IN-PERSON Parent Workshop options. 

  • Credit for the ONLINE Parent Workshop will be given once you have viewed the chosen video and then completed the Google Form linked below.
  • Credit for the IN-PERSON Parent Workshops will be given only with a signature from an ORE, Parish or School Staff Member, Clergy, or responsible Ministry Lead OR an ORE stamp in the signature field on the Parent Tracking Sheet form.

Printable (CFF) Parent Tracking Sheet

Printable (SEAS) Parent Tracking Sheet

Please note that the list of IN-PERSON Parent Workshops may increase as we are made aware of other parent workshop opportunities in the parish and/or diocese. Please continue to check the list of approved Parent Workshops.


To receive credit for an ONLINE Parent Workshop, you must complete this Google Form after you have finished watching the video.

There are 6 ONLINE videos to choose from this year...2 from the FORMED website and 4 from YouTube.


  • If you have already set up an account through, you will just need to sign in.
  • If you are NEW to, you will need to set up an account through GSCC's subscription before you can view the video.  You are NOT signing up for a Free Trial and NO credit card information should be entered.  You are creating an account under the subscription already purchased by Good Shepherd Parish.  If you get the request to start a Free Trail, start over at and follow the steps below.

Steps to set up a NEW (FREE) FORMED account:

  • Click the "Signup" button
  • Under Find your Parish or Organization, type in "Good Shepherd 9539 Racquet Ct Elk Grove" and select our parish then click the Next Button to follow the remaining prompts for your name and email.

Once you are signed in to FORMED, you may click either FORMED link provided below.

Option #1: Everyday Heroes
Heroism is not some unattainable ideal. Heroism is a worthy goal that lies within our grasp. That is the central message of Everyday Heroes, a new documentary film featuring the witnesses of remarkable Brother Knights whose courage, faith and commitment to charity embody the mission of the Knights of Columbus. From the college football star who selflessly put the needs of others before his own to the Special Olympics athlete who gives witness to the dignity of all human life – these stories demonstrate how the betterment of our world ultimately begins with the individual human heart.

This movie is not rated but was created with an adult audience in mind. It contains some scenes of war-time violence. We would recommend Parental Guidance and that parents preview it before watching with their children.


Option #2: The Face of Mercy (Narrated by Jim Caviezel)
Since his election to the papacy, Pope Francis has inspired millions by urging us to embrace mercy, ultimately revealed in the face of Christ. Now comes an extraordinary new film on this powerful message that brings hope, healing, and forgiveness to a broken world. Narrated by Jim Caviezel, The Face of Mercy explores the history and relevance of Divine Mercy in our turbulent times. Watch its story unfold, from an unpretentious Polish nun who experienced powerful visions of a merciful God, to her countryman Saint John Paul II who propelled the message of Divine Mercy onto the world stage, and the Year of Mercy bestowed upon the Church by Pope Francis. Filmed in stunning 4K and seamlessly weaving together theology and history with modern testimonials and visual effects, this stirring film creates a remarkable tapestry of what constitutes the face of mercy in our modern world.

Meet the woman who found freedom in forgiveness after seeing her family wiped out by genocide; the former-NFL linebacker who walked away from football to share Christ's mercy with the homeless; the baseball player who traded MLB ambitions for the monastery; the priest with a drug-dealing past, and the young widow who chose mercy towards her husband's killer. These moving testimonies will remind us all that Divine Mercy is not just a devotion of the past or some abstract theology—it is alive, it is present, and it will transform the world.

This movie is not rated, but was created with an adult audience in mind. It contains scenes of war and historic violence. We would recommend Parental Guidance and that parents preview it before watching with children.



Option #3: Journeying with Thomas Aquinas 
In the "Journeying with Thomas Aquinas" YouTube video, the speaker explores Thomas Aquinas's perspective on the connection between faith and reason. Aquinas is presented as holding that faith and reason are not adversarial but rather mutually reinforcing. The speaker elaborates that reason can guide us to recognize the necessity of faith, and faith can enhance our comprehension of reason. Aquinas viewed faith as a supernatural endowment that enables us to accept truths beyond the reach of reason alone, while reason is the innate capacity to distinguish truth. According to Aquinas, this harmonious interplay between faith and reason results in a more holistic grasp of the world and God.

Option #4: The Apostle of the Blood of Christ: St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena, an uneducated woman from a humble background, is introduced in this YouTube video as one of the most intriguing saints in the church's history. Despite never studying theology or formally learning to read and write, she became recognized as a doctor of the church and a master of the spiritual life. Catherine's mystical connection to the divine allowed her to speak to Christ, Mary, and other saints as friends, challenging modern perceptions of power and influence. Born in Sienna in 1347, Catherine had a transformative experience at a young age, seeing a vision of Christ surrounded by saints and apostles. This vision led her to take a vow of perpetual virginity and dedicate herself to prayer, the mass, and fasting. Her profound understanding of the biblical truth that this world and the higher world interacted challenged the secularism of her time. Catherine was seen as a powerful figure, with priests and bishops regarding her as their spiritual teacher. Catherine's life unfolded during the height of the Black Plague, which killed up to one-third of the European population. Despite the danger, she cared for the sick and the poor, including a difficult woman named Andrea, who was dying of breast cancer. Catherine's extraordinary encounters with God and her pastoral work included comforting a condemned man named Nicolo Doro before his execution and advocating for the restoration of the Eucharistic Body of Christ in the Church. Her influence extended to the papacy, as she played a significant role in the election of Pope Gregory XI and the return of the papacy from Avignon to Rome. Catherine's mystical experiences were characterized by a deep connection with the Divine Essence, which she compared to a peaceful sea, and a belief in the process of deification or divinization, where the human becomes Divine through the union of the Divine nature of Christ with human nature. She saw God as intimately involved in the world and sustaining its existence, and the only recourse against sin was through the mystical body of Jesus, the bridge to salvation. Catherine's teachings emphasized the importance of love, obedience, humility, and charity, and her deep intimacy with God led to active service to her neighbor.

Option #5: Theology of the Body Crash Course with Fr. Mike Schmitz 
This video is one installment of a 4-part series on the Theology of the Body presented by Fr. Mike, but holds up well on its own.
“And now, O Lord, I am not taking this sister of mine because of lust, but with sincerity. Grant that I may find mercy and may grow old together with her.” Tobit 8:7 In this fourth and final installment of the Theology of the Body Crash Course, we apply these teachings to Scripture. We look at the marriage of Tobias and Sarah and a reading from Song of Songs. We learn how the promises made during the sacrament of the Rite of Marriage bear the four marks of God’s love. Fr. Mike Schmitz then highlights three ways in which our society works against love that is free, total, faithful, and fruitful: through the use of contraception, pornography, and homosexuality (same-sex attraction). Summarizing what we’ve learned in each session, Fr. Mike instructs us in fasting, looking someone in the eyes, and saying no to ourselves. Implementing this way of life is a process, not an event. We end this course with the words of Jesus and St. John Paul II: “Be not afraid.”

Option #6: Marriage & Family Life with Jason and Crystalina
Get answers to challenging questions like:

  • When is a good time to allow your kids to date?
  • What are some good cell phone rules for your kids?
  • What should you do if your child is in a bad dating relationship?
  • How can you get your teens to listen to you?
  • How do you prepare your kids to go back to school?



Please see the specific instructions for each IN-PERSON Parent Workshop.
Typical methods of validating your attendance...

Movie Ticket Stub showing Movie Title & Date attached to your Parent Tracking Sheet
Parent Tracking Sheet signed by ORE Staff, Clergy, or Ministry Lead
Parent Tracking Sheet pre-filled by the ORE Staff
QR Code attendance tracker (workshop specific)

Upcoming IN-PERSON Parent Workshop Opportunities:

OPTION #1: (June 4-6, 2024) Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist Limited movie release in theaters. Official Trailer Link
Deep within each human soul, there exists an intense craving for connection, purpose, and love — a thirst that only God can satisfy. Yet, the question remains: How does one fulfill this yearning? The Catholic Church teaches that the Eucharist is the most profound means by which God shares Himself with humanity. However, a 2019 Pew Research Study unveiled a concerning reality: only one-third of practicing U.S. Catholics believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

In Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist, we embark on a global journey to rediscover and revive the transformative power of the Eucharist. Engaging in dialogue with notable Catholic figures, the film explores the biblical origins of the Eucharist and shares personal stories of individuals whose lives have been transformed by the Blessed Sacrament. This exploration makes it unmistakably clear that the Eucharist is not merely a symbol, but is indeed Jesus Christ Himself — fervently desiring to quench our spiritual thirst with His boundless love.
Credit for Attendance (2 Workshop Credits): You must attach your movie ticket stub or receipt showing the date and title of this movie to your Parent Tracking Sheet.

OPTION #2: (June 19, 2024 - ?) Sound of Hope: The Story of Possom Trot - Limited movie release in theaters. Official Trailer Link
The fight for kids begins July 4. Inspired by the powerful true story, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, follows Donna and Reverend Martin as they ignite a fire in the hearts of their rural church to embrace kids in the foster system that nobody else would take. By doing the impossible–adopting 77 children–this East Texas community proved that, with real, determined love, the battle for America’s most vulnerable can be won.
Credit for Attendance (2 Workshop Credits): You must attach your movie ticket stub or receipt showing the date and title of this movie to your Parent Tracking Sheet. 

OPTION #3: (August 28, 2024 @ 7:00 PM) A Symphony of Prayer - Beginning a Forever Dialogue with God
(Good Shepherd Church)
In response to Pope Francis' call for a Year of Prayer in preparation for Jubilee 2025, please plan for a series of four mini retreats on the gift of prayer. These mini retreats will be conducted by the Holy Spirit and facilitated by prayer leaders.  Participants can journey through four "movements" over the next few months, engaging in the rhythm and breath of prayer.  You are encouraged to experience the entire series of mini retreats, but each Symphony of Prayer can be experienced individually as well.  Please view the parish website for more information AND to RSVP. 
Credit for Attendance (1 Workshop Credit):  Please RSVP (parish website) to help prepare materials.  Use the posted workshop specific QR code for this in-person workshop or bring your Parent Tracking Sheet to be signed (by ORE Staff, Clergy, or responsible Ministry Lead(s)).

OPTION #4: (September 19, 2024 @ 6:30 PM) Go Make a Difference hosted by Steve Angrisano (Good Shepherd Church)
Steve Angrisano is an internationally recognized Catholic composer, presenter, and evangelist. He has traveled aroudn the world for over two decades, connecting head to heart, renewing faith and inspiring young and old alike, while sharing his unique blend of humor, story, and song. If you're already humming "Go Make a Difference," just imagine how many other familiar songs written by Steve will fill your heart on this special evening. As he shares his musical craft, allow Steve's gift for sharing the Word of God inspire you in ew ways!
Credit for Attendance:  Use the workshop specific QR code that will be posted at the Religious Education / Grove Ministry tables in the narthex at the end of the evening for this in-person workshop or bring your Parent Tracking Sheet to be signed by ORE staff. 

OPTION #5: (September 25, 2024 @ 7:00 PM) A Symphony of Prayer - The Communal Prayers of the Body of Christ
(Good Shepherd Church)
In response to Pope Francis' call for a Year of Prayer in preparation for Jubilee 2025, please plan for a series of four mini retreats on the gift of prayer. These mini retreats will be conducted by the Holy Spirit and facilitated by prayer leaders.  Participants can journey through four "movements" over the next few months, engaging in the rhythm and breath of prayer.  You are encouraged to experience the entire series of mini retreats, but each Symphony of Prayer can be experienced individually as well.  Please view the parish website for more information AND to RSVP. 
Credit for Attendance (1 Workshop Credit):  Please RSVP (parish website) to help prepare materials.  Use the posted workshop specific QR code for this in-person workshop or bring your Parent Tracking Sheet to be signed (by ORE Staff, Clergy, or responsible Ministry Lead(s)).

OPTION #6: (October 30, 2024 @ 7:00 PM) A Symphony of Prayer - Nurturing Prayer within the Family, in our Small Groups (Good Shepherd Church)
In response to Pope Francis' call for a Year of Prayer in preparation for Jubilee 2025, please plan for a series of four mini retreats on the gift of prayer. These mini retreats will be conducted by the Holy Spirit and facilitated by prayer leaders.  Participants can journey through four "movements" over the next few months, engaging in the rhythm and breath of prayer.  You are encouraged to experience the entire series of mini retreats, but each Symphony of Prayer can be experienced individually as well.  Please view the parish website for more information AND to RSVP. 
Credit for Attendance (1 Workshop Credit):  Please RSVP (parish website) to help prepare materials.  Use the posted workshop specific QR code for this in-person workshop or bring your Parent Tracking Sheet to be signed (by ORE Staff, Clergy, or responsible Ministry Lead(s)).

OPTION #7: (November 21, 2024 @ 6:00 PM) Why Marriage in the Church Still Matters with Fr. Brian Atienza (Good Shepherd Church)
Marriage is a significant milestone in many people's lives, marking the union of two individuals in a committed and loving partnership. While civil ceremonies are increasingly popular, marriage in the church continues to hold profound importance.  It encompasses spiritual significance, fosters community support, provides a moral framework, and it’s a sacred covenant. It allows the couple to express their commitment to each other in front of their loved ones and before God.
Credit for Attendance (1 Workshop Credit): Use the posted workshop specific QR code for in-person attendance or bring your Parent Tracking Sheet to be signed (by ORE Staff, Clergy, or responsible Ministry Lead).

OPTION #8: (November 22, 2024 @ 7:00 PM) A Symphony of Prayer - Purification, Illumination through Contemplative Prayer
(Good Shepherd Church)
In response to Pope Francis' call for a Year of Prayer in preparation for Jubilee 2025, please plan for a series of four mini retreats on the gift of prayer. These mini retreats will be conducted by the Holy Spirit and facilitated by prayer leaders.  Participants can journey through four "movements" over the next few months, engaging in the rhythm and breath of prayer.  You are encouraged to experience the entire series of mini retreats, but each Symphony of Prayer can be experienced individually as well.  Please view the parish website for more information AND to RSVP. 
Credit for Attendance (1 Workshop Credit):  Please RSVP (parish website) to help prepare materials.  Use the posted workshop specific QR code for this in-person workshop or bring your Parent Tracking Sheet to be signed (by ORE Staff, Clergy, or responsible Ministry Lead(s)).

Additional IN-PERSON Parent Workshops for 2024-2025 are being confirmed and will be added as soon as possible.