2025 Easter Schedule Only Png


Diocese of Sacramento Lenten Regulations

Lenten Family Calendar



    • There will be Adoration in the church every Wednesday during Lent from 5:45-7:00 pm. (except Ash Wednesday and March 19)
    • There will be additional hours of Adoration in the Fr. Philip Wells Hall at the Altar of Repose during the Triduum.  
    • Guide for what to do during Adoration



    • Join us for clergy-led Stations of the Cross, each Friday evening during Lent (except Good Friday) starting at 7:30 p.m. in the church.
    • Station of the Cross with the school children on Wednesdays at 1:15 pm in the church (March 12 - April 9).  All are welcome to attend.
    • If you are not able to attend in person, we invite you to watch our recording on our YouTube Channel.



    • Join us for The Rescue Project every Friday during Lent beginning March 7th. Doors open at 5:00 pm. We will serve a light soup dinner, watch a Rescue Project Video and  have small group discussion afterwards.  All parishioners are encouraged to attend!  Please RSVP here.



    • Our communal penance service will be on March 19 at 6:00 pm (there will be no Adoration this day).
    • Our regular confession schedule is Saturdays from 3:00-4:30 pm and Wednesdays from 5:45-7:00 pm.  There will not be any confessions on Holy Saturday.
    • The final opportunity for confession before Easter will be on April 16 beginning at 5:45 pm. 




    Holy Thursday of the Lord's Supper - April  17

    • No daily Mass at 8:30 am
    • Mass at 7:00 pm in the church.
    • Adoration of the Reposed Blessed Sacrament (in the Fr. Philip Wells Hall) beginning at the conclusion of Mass and continuing until just before the noon liturgy on Good Friday (please sign up if you're able to spend some time at Adoration) 
    • guide for meditation on the Passion of Our Lord

    Good Friday/Celebration of the Passion of Our Lord - April 18

    • Lauds at 8:30 am at the Altar of Repose in the hall
    • No daily Mass at 8:30 am
    • Liturgy & Veneration of the Cross at Noon and 7:00 pm in the church.
    • Stations of the Cross at 3:00 pm
    • Adoration of the Reposed Blessed Sacrament in the hall until just before the noon liturgy begins (please sign up if you're able to spend some time at Adoration)  
    • guide for meditation on the Passion of Our Lord

    Holy Saturday - April 19

    This year we are once again participating in the Radio Santisimo 7 Parishes Pilgrimage.  If you wish to participate, you can visit the church between 7am and 2pm on Holy Saturday.  More information at radiosantisimo.com



    Easter Vigil - April 19

    • Lauds at 8:30 am in the church
    • no confessions
    • Easter Vigil Mass at 8:45 pm in the church.  Approximate length for this Mass is 3 hours therefore it may not be ideal for children


    Easter Sunday - April 20

    • Mass: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm (Spanish)
    • There will be overflow seating in the Fr. Philip Wells Hall with a simultaneous livestream of the Mass in the church.  There will not be seating available in the church narthex.  Once the sanctuary reaches capacity, parishioners will be directed to the hall for seating and to watch the Mass livestream.



      Lent on formed.org

      Are Your Lenten Penances Being Fueled By Pride?

      Eucharistic Prayer Companions for Lent

      Livestream Schedule

      Holy Thursday - 7:00 pm

      Good Friday - Noon

      Easter Vigil - 8:45pm

      Easter -