Online Giving with Faith Direct

Introduction to Faith Direct

Faith Direct Online Enrollment

Dear Faithful Parishioners of Good Shepherd Catholic Church,

The everyday experiences we find ourselves facing due to the Covid-19 virus are unsettling. As your pastor, please know that my prayers are with you, our larger faith community, and the whole world. We all find ourselves united in an uncommon suffering of heart, mind and soul. People inflicted with this illness endure an unrelenting and frightening health crisis while we all must wait, isolate and take the necessary precautions prescribed by public health officials.

This great “slowing” of our broader community, caused by social distancing and quarantine, is sadly keeping us apart and unable to celebrate the Lord’s day together in our Church.  However, Good Shepherd is still reliant on your generous support to operate your parish home and faith network.  We understand that many of you are enduring your own financial hardships caused by the quarantine.  It is in the Lenten spirit of sacrifice and giving that I ask you to continue to please remember your parish and continue your weekly donations.

Good Shepherd operates a very lean campus and frugal budgetary practices but the decrease in weekly collections is a significant financial hit not easily recovered. It threatens the financial health that you have built. It threatens the progress made towards debt-free operations.

To ensure your routine of generosity continues, we encourage you to sign up for Faith Direct using one of the following options.

  • Visit to make a one-time donation or set up recurring giving so you never have to worry about it again. 
  • Text a dollar amount to (916) 439-8801. You will be asked to complete a one-time registration page with your billing and contact information. After this registration, you can give any time by texting a dollar amount to our phone number.

Above all, be persistent in prayer and look forward to the end of this public health crisis. We are never alone as Jesus Christ is with us always.  He is with us as we continue to serve, support and love one another.

I extend my personal gratitude and love to each of you. Know that I am here for you pastorally. May God bless you and your family.

In Christ,  

Fr. Michael Vaughan

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