Weekly Reflection - Pentecost Sunday (2022)

"And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were." (Acts 2:2)


This Sunday is Pentecost.  We celebrate the birthday of the Church.  The Acts of the Apostles paints a vivid portrait of the many special gifts and charisms which accompanied the early Church.  For some reason, we tend to think our Church today is somehow different when in fact the same Holy Spirit accompanies us in our daily life.


Everything gets worn and old after time.  We are in desperate need of renewal today. The world is thirsty and hungry for God without even realizing it.  God has given us all gifts and talents to be utilized in the building up of his Church.  Each of us has been assigned part of the Lord's vineyard to cultivate.  Let us ask the Holy Spirit to renew and fan in us the fire of his love. "Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire." (St. Catherine)


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Have I discovered the gifts and talents God has given me? 
  • Do I often think the work of evangelization is only for priests, religious or those with a special vocation?  
  • Do I realize that there are people who will only hear the message because of me according to God's plan?

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