Weekly Reflection - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (2023)

"O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish." (Mt. 15:28)


This is the 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time.  Jesus meets the Syrophoenician woman.  We see a side of Jesus that is contrary to the benevolent Savior we are accustomed to.  He not only denies the woman's request but calls her by a derogatory name.  Jesus is testing her faith.  The amazing thing about the woman is that she doesn't leave His presence.


Despite the negative, she sees the inherent goodness in Jesus.  God has three ways He answers prayer:  no, yes and not yet.  The not yet is the response we have most difficulty with.  The two things that never change is God's presence and His goodness.  We must persevere in prayer despite the length and apparent negative we receive.  We trust that our loving Father knows best even though the answer is different than what we hoped for.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I persevere in prayer despite the apparent silent response? 
  • Do I trust that God's plans are always for my good despite suffering and difficulties?  

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