Divine Mercy Ministry



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The Divine Mercy Ministry will resume their charismatic prayer meetings starting January 11, 2025, and every 2nd Saturday thereafter.  The group also meets for Bible study every 4th Saturday of the month.  All meetings are at 2:30 pm in the St. Maria Goretti classroom. Let’s come together to give praise, thanks, honor, and love to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20.   The Divine Mercy Bible Study Group will help you discover the relevant truth of Scripture and the tradition of the Catholic Church through video, group discussion, and sharing. Deacon Al Llenos is the group facilitator.

For more information, please call Susan Gonzales at 916-203-8765 or Maria Tang at (916) 230-9605.



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