Weekly Reflection - 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul." (Mt. 10:28)


This is the Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time.  Christ tells us not to be afraid.  We have founded and unfounded fears in our lives.  We fear suffering and most importantly death.  Throughout history our brothers and sisters in the faith have endured many trials and hardships.  St. Paul boasts of a litany of hardships he endured for Christ.


Christ in the Gospel reminds us of the need we have to give witness to our faith even to death.  Make no mistake that being coherent with our faith is counter cultural and we will be a sign of contradiction like Christ.  The Beatitudes promise peacemakers to be blessed and the kingdom of heaven is for those who are persecuted.  


Questions for Reflection: 

  • What do I fear most? 
  • Does the conviction that Christ is with me give me courage and strength? 
  • Do I recognize that I may feel fear but don't have to give into it? 

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