Weekly Reflection - 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (2024)

"Then he asked them, "Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" (Mk 4:40)


This is the 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time.  Christ sleeps in the boat amidst the waves and the storm.  We all can relate with the fear of the Apostles in this scene.  Job said "the life of man on earth is a constant battle." (Job. 7:1) We all have to navigate difficulties in life and should never imagine a life without crosses. Encountering Christ in the midst of our struggles brings serenity and strength. "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me." (Philip. 4:13)


The story of the two sets of footprints on the beach is one of the most eloquent lessons regarding this.  The person began to blame God for not being there in the most difficult moments of life only seeing one set of footprints. The footsteps actually were Christ's because the person was being carried at that moment.  A beautiful prayer we can say every day is "Lord, I know that there is nothing I will face today that you and I can't handle together."


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I somehow imagine a life without crosses? 
  • Do I turn to Christ through prayer, the sacraments and spiritual reading? 
  • Could the tiredness I experience perhaps come from self sufficiency and lack of faith in the power of Christ?

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