Weekly Reflection - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"They shall all be taught by God." (Jn. 6:45)

This 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time Jesus continues His teaching on the Eucharist. In order to be taught we must be open to listen and learn. Jesus affirms that we must become like children to enter the Kingdom of God.

It's always amazing to witness a child who experiences things for the first time (rain, snow, the ocean, the mountains, etc.) There is a sense of awe and wonder which the adult who has experienced them many times, takes for granted.

We can easily fall into routine in our dealings with Jesus. Only by a lively faith can we encounter him as if for the first time.

Questions for Reflection:

  • Have I fallen into routine way of receiving Communion?
  • Do I even say that I "have" to go to Mass?
  • If I've lost my fervor, do I know how to find it again?

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