Weekly Reflection - 1st Sunday of Advent (2023)

Jesus said to his disciples: Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come." (Mk 13:33)
This is the First Sunday of Advent.  We began hearing Christmas songs the day after Thanksgiving.  The secular world skips over Advent but it is a precious time in the Church's Liturgical Year.  Every important celebration requires preparation.  We know that Jesus is the gift of God.  The greater our disposition to receive God's grace the more we receive.
We must be watchful and vigilant.  Scripture uses the image of the sentinel who scans the battlefield in order not to be caught off guard.  It appears that life is long but it is always a grain of sand in comparison to eternity.  Becoming drowsy in the spiritual life is equivalent to falling in a lukewarm state.  Let us, along with our faith, renew our sense of wonder, never taking for granted the way God loves us.
Questions for Reflection: 
  • Do I recognize the danger of falling into a routine living of my faith? 
  • Do I recognize that Advent has a penitential tone though different from Lent? 
  • What small sacrifices will I offer to create a worthy place forJesus this Christmas?

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