Weekly Reflection - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (2023)

"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Mt. 16:25)


This is the 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time.  Christ does not hide from his apostles that he would suffer and die but after three days be raised from the dead.  Immediately Peter tries to dissuade him from fulfilling his mission as the suffering servant.  The most natural tendency we have is self conservation.  We avoid suffering and death appears as the worst possible thing that can happen.


The entire life of the Christian is the cross.  The cross liberates us from selfishness which destroys our happiness.  It is hard for us to understand that by loving God, we are truly loving ourselves.  St. Augustine explained this as two cities.  In one city humankind loved God to the denial of themselves.  In the other, they loved themselves to the denial of God.  We shouldn't think of great heroic moments to give ourselves but rather all the small heroic moments of everyday life.  We must love until it hurts.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I love God to the denial of myself? 
  • Do I avoid suffering at all costs? 
  • Am I accustomed to sacrificial giving, putting the needs of others above my own?

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