Weekly Reflection - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Say to those whose hearts are frightened:  Be strong, fear not!" (Isaiah 35:4)


The first reading this 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time speaks volumes.  It's hard to keep up with the number of catastrophes we are facing.  Fear is a passion that can paralyze us or we can channel it.  We are faced with fight or flight.   We are also afraid of what we don't know.  Instead of reaching out we simply avoid those who are different. We are quick to speak and slow to listen.

In the gospel, Jesus heals the man with the speech and hearing  impediment.  We are to open our ears to the story of our neighbor and speak words that construct and do not tear down.  


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Am I open to listen to those who think differently than myself? 
  • I am humble enough to realize that I can always learn new things from others? 

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