Weekly Reflection - 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time

"Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets." (Numbers 11:29)


This 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time we are invited to reflect upon the gift of prophecy.  In the first reading when it was brought to Moses' attention that people in the camp were prophesying, instead of becoming jealous or indignant he was pleased that he was receiving help.

In the gospel, Jesus makes a similar remark saying that those who are not against Him are with Him. 

We can say that this is the hour of the laity in the Church.  Christ needs each member of His Body to proclaim the Good News.  We always have the duty to give witness but we are also called to speak when it is opportune.  The Holy Spirit is the protagonist in helping us identify these moments and gives the light and courage to do so.

Questions for Reflection:

  • Am I aware that with my Baptism comes not only rights but also duties?
  • Am I able to overcome fear of rejection when it is opportune to speak about my faith?
  • Do I take advantage of the opportunities for formation that my parish offers me in order to have more confidence?

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