Weekly Reflection - 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time (2024)

"If only all the people of the Lord were prophets! If only the Lord would bestow his spirit on them!" (Numbers 11:29)


This is the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time.  Both the first reading and the Gospel coincide with God's gift of prophecy on his people.  The Holy Spirit poured out his gifts on the Church on Pentecost.  Christ founded a Church by which we receive grace.  However, God is not limited in the manner he gives his gifts.


Reflecting on my own conversion, there is no doubt that the Holy Spirit was at work in me well before receiving Baptism.  We are called to build bridges with all people in this world, members of the same human family.  St. Charles de Foucauld considered himself a universal brother, He looked for seeds of grace and truth in each person. Focusing on that, he built bridges instead of walls.  His example is helpful in the polarized world we live in.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I ask for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit each day? 
  • Am I able to recognize truth and goodness in each person? 
  • Which are the gifts God has given me in order to be a peacemaker in this world?

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