Weekly Reflection - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (2023)

"I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me." (Philippians 4:13)


This is the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time.  St. Paul shares the source of his strength, Christ Jesus.  St. John Paul II said "man is never stronger than when he's on his knees." On another occasion, Paul shared that it was precisely when he was weak that he was strong.  Looking at his life it is apparent that he overcame insurmountable obstacles because of his personal love for Christ.


We feel fear when we rely on our own human strength instead of God's.  Christ is the vine and we are the branches.  We need to learn to lean on Christ.  Whatever challenges life throws our way we must remember that we were born for this and I am not afraid because Christ is with me.  St. Patrick's breastplate is an eloquent prayer in this regard.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I have confidence in Christ? 
  • Where does my confidence come from? 
  • Do I lean on Christ or myself in my daily struggles?

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