Weekly Reflection - 2nd Sunday of Advent (2024)

"A voice of one crying out in the desert: 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths." (Lk. 3:4)


This is the Second Sunday of Advent. St. John the Baptist is on the forefront inviting us to prepare for the Lord's coming.  He is a mysterious figure, a man on a mission.  His whole life was to point out the Lord when he came. John is the last and greatest of the prophets, a bright light shining in the darkness.


St. John is a coherent witness.  He practices what he preaches.  One main reason for the disaffiliation of youth in our Church today is the lack of authentic leadership.  St. Pope Paul VI's prophetic words continue to resonate: "The world does not need more teachers but witnesses.  If it does listen to a teacher, it is because that teacher is first a witness."  The main point is that we cannot make a pact with any sin.  The moment we say that we have arrived and have nothing left to work on, we tie the hands of God and stunt our spiritual growth.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I know someone who gives credible witness to Christ? 
  • What aspect of their life inspires me? 
  • What am I working on specifically during this Advent so that Christ may increase and I may decrease?

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