Weekly Reflection - 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (2023)

"Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world." (Jn. 1:29)


This is the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time.  St. John the Baptist points out Jesus to his followers.  The reason for his birth is now realized but his mission was still not over.  He would end up sealing his witness to Christ by his blood.  St. Paul in the second reading also makes mention to a divine calling he received which didn't come from himself.


Each of us by our baptism have been given a mission.  We have a universal call to holiness and apostolate.  In addition, each of us have been given a series of gifts and talents for a specific purpose.  The reason for these gifts is to build up the Body of Christ and like St. John the Baptist, lead others to Christ.  


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I live my life each day with the urgency it deserves? 
  • Does the realization that I have a mission in life give meaning to the otherwise uneventful passing of days?
  • Do I understand that I am called to be a missionary disciple by my baptism and this is not just for a select few?

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