Weekly Reflection - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (2023)

"You shall not molest or oppress an alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt." (Exodus 22:21)


This is the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time.  Christ gives us the greatest of the Commandments to love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves.  God has truly rescued us from sin and death.  We are debtors who can never fully pay back our freedom.  There are so many brothers and sisters of ours in need around us.   Without going outside of our country, it's hard for us to sympathize with those who are forced to flee their homeland.


The world is in dire need of solidarity and compassion today.  We have to be able to welcome the stranger and outcast as Christ himself.  We often feel helpless in what we can do. If I pray to the Holy Spirit, he will show me who my neighbor is and the concrete way I can alleviate his or her suffering.  


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I consider myself part of a great human family? 
  • Do I respect another's background and culture? 
  • Does the reality that God has rescued me, help me to lead another to experience the same freedom in Christ?

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