Weekly Reflection - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (2023)

"Since the bridegroom was long delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep." (Mt. 25:5)


This is the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time.  The parable of the wise and foolish virgins helps us understand our personal responsibility to God.  We can say that God's gifts are free but actually they cost us something.  This month of November we remember the lives of the Saints who corresponded to God's grace throughout their lives and reached holiness.  Each one of us has the same opportunity. It depends on our response.


Our lives are like a recipient for God's grace.  It doesn't matter the size. Some are like an Oktoberfest mug while others are like a shot glass.  What's important is that it's filled not halfway but to its capacity.  We must make it a priority to fill ourselves up with God's grace.  This grace is given to us by prayer, frequent reception of the Sacraments and the practice of the virtues.  Let us renew our response each day to be the saint God is calling us to be.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I strive after holiness? 
  • Do I recognize that if I think I have arrived, I'm finished? 
  • Is it my priority to fill myself up with God's grace daily?

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