Weekly Reflection - 3rd Sunday of Advent (2024)

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!" (Philip. 4:4)


This is the Third Sunday of Advent, otherwise known as Gaudete Sunday.  During Advent and Lent there is a break in our penitential works to reflect on joy.  We will soon begin a Holy Year entitled "Pilgrims of Hope."  Joy and hope go hand in hand.  Joy is the serene realization that I have all I need even though on a human level I can lack even the essentials of life.  God alone is enough.


When we look at our anxieties and cares, they often come from taking our eyes off Christ. We live our life on a head level, not a heart level.  Our problems and concerns under the light of Christ are often blessings in disguise.  We trust that God is in complete control and even if we die, eternal life is promised to us. Our security is that we are in the hands of the Lord of History and nothing can truly harm us. "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Rom. 8:31)  "What can separate us from the love of Christ?" (Rom. 8:35)


Questions for Reflection: 

  • How do I confront adversity in my life? 
  • Do I often lose my peace? 
  • How do I recover my peace if I have lost it?

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