Weekly Reflection - 3rd Sunday of Easter

"Simon, son of John, do you love me?" (Jn. 21:17)


This is the Third Sunday of Easter.  Jesus appeared to his Apostles after they returned to their daily duties.  There wasn't another option but to go back to their former lives given their dreams had extinguished with the death of Jesus.  

Peter no doubt was hurt that he had betrayed Jesus but Our Lord knew who he had chosen.  He chose Peter despite his weaknesses.  His sin did not define him but rather who he would become after he was healed.  The movie Fr. Stu is also a story of redemption.  There is no saint who does not have a past.  The most important thing is what we do with the time we have left.  Jesus asks each of us, "add your name...Do you love me?" 

Question for Reflection: 

  • Do I put limits on what Jesus asks of me? 
  • Do I understand that each day Jesus knocks at the door of my heart and I am the only one who can open it? 
  • Am I aware that my entire Christian life is nothing but my personal response to the love of Jesus?

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