Weekly Reflection - 3rd Sunday of Lent (2023)

Jesus said to her, "Give me a drink." (Jn. 4:7)


This is the Third Sunday of Lent.  Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well.  What appears an unplanned encounter actually is not.  Despite his weariness from the journey, he sought her out.  He teaches us the path of evangelization.  He meets the woman where she is at without judgement.  She is able to tell her story and Jesus gradually reveals himself to her.  After encountering him, she immediately goes and shares the Good News with others. 


We are in a time in our Church where people are more wounded than ever.  In our dealings with others, we must take account how Jesus has treated us.  If we look back we will recognize that there have been individuals that God has placed in our lives that have led us to him.   Why would I want to hold back from others what has brought meaning to my life?


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Have I encountered Jesus in my life? 
  • Does my Lenten journey consist in creating space for this encounter? 
  • Do I try to lead others to Jesus by listening to them, meeting them where they are at and accompanying them?

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