Weekly Reflection - 4th Sunday of Easter

"I am the good shepherd, says the Lord; I know my sheep, and mine know me." (Jn. 10:14)


This is the Fourth Sunday of Easter and also Vocation Sunday. We reflect on the example of the Good Shepherd. God has a dream for me.  Each of us is unique and unrepeatable.  We are all essential in attending to the portion of the vineyard entrusted to us.


We must take care of God's people with a shepherd's care.  The Good Shepherd is firm and gentle at the same time.  Each sheep has different needs.  We are to meet each person where they are at.  Pope Francis calls us to smell like the sheep by sharing their joys and sorrows, aspirations and needs.  


The Church also invites us to take care of her children with a mother's care. The mother pays attention to detail and is compassionate. The vocation of a mother cannot be taken for granted.  We thank and pray for all mothers in a special way today.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I consider life as a vocation? 
  • Do I consult with God frequently concerning his will? 
  • Does God's goodness inspire me to be generous if He calls me to a priestly vocation or to the consecrated life?

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