Weekly Reflection - 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time (2023)

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Mt. 5:3)


This is the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time.  Christ teaches us the Beatitudes.  It is the divine remedy for happiness.  Each one is the opposite of what the world teaches us.   We are all sons and daughters of our culture.  Without realizing it we take on values that are nowhere to be found in Christ's life and teaching.


The poor are those who are considered of little importance in the world.  The term poverty for the Christian does not always mean being destitute but rather detached.  St. Ignatius gives us wisdom by saying in The Spiritual Exercises that we should not seek a long life or short, riches or poverty, health or sickness but rather whatever God desires.  In the end by uniting our will with God's we find happiness here and eternal life in the next.


Questions for Reflection:  

  • Have I been able to notice worldly values entering my life (money, honor, pleasure)?
  • Where is my heart right now?  
  • Have I discovered what my attachments are?

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