Weekly Reflection - 5th Sunday of Easter (2024)

"Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing." (Jn, 15:5)


This is the Fifth Sunday of Easter.  Christ gives us the allegory of the vine and the branches.  We know that our Christian lives are much more than following an ethical teacher.  Christ asks us to eat his body and drink his blood.  We are to remain in Him.  During the doxology of the Mass, the priest says the words, "through Him and with Him and in Him."  This is the life of grace.


When we live united to Christ, we bear fruit.  Apart from him, our works are sterile because they are human and not divine.  The joy of the Gospel and the Easter season is that his life is our life.  His mysteries are now our mysteries.  We are able to do the works of Christ.  Two works that externally look the same are completely different in God's eyes and towards our salvation when imbued by grace.


Questions for Reflection:

  • Am I aware that living in God's grace is what's most important? 
  • Do I make it a priority to grow in God's grace every day? 
  • St. Francis de Sales says that those who are most busy have even more need for prayer. Does this resonate with me?

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