Weekly Reflection - 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time (2023)

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.  I have come not to abolish but to fulfill." (Mt. 5:17)


This is the Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time.  Jesus comes to bring to fulfillment the law and the prophets.  Time Magazine has a famous edition of the many faces of Jesus.  In short we could say "Will the real Jesus please stand up?"  God is not who we think he is but rather who he says he is.

Without Jesus, we wouldn't know how to fulfill the commandments or receive the real grace to do so. The fruit of the Paschal Mystery is that in Christ we can do all things.  Jesus assures us that the commandments are not burdensome.  They are simply the way that we please God and achieve the happiness we all seek.  What apparently prevents us from being free actually enables us to achieve the true interior freedom we all seek.  

Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I think it's impossible to fulfill all that God asks of me? 
  • Am I aware that Jesus has merited for me every grace I need to do so? 
  • Do I lean on Christ and ask for his help to fulfill those commandments in which I struggle the most?

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