Weekly Reflection - Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord (2024)

"He loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end." (Jn. 13:1)


We begin the Sacred Paschal Triduum this evening with Holy Thursday of the Lord's Supper.  We have been preparing ourselves this entire Lent for the experience of the next three days.  These are days that we accompany Jesus in His Passion, Death and Resurrection.  According to our disposition of faith and love we can have a profound, life changing experience of Christ.


We are all protagonists during these days.  Nothing is by chance, everything is desired by Christ so He can free us from sin, Satan and death.  We all have incurred a debt with Christ.  He ransomed us, taking our place on the cross.  The only correct response to Christ's love for us is gratitude and a life completely given to God and others.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • During my whole life, what have I done for Jesus?
  • What am I doing for Him now? 
  • What am I not willing to do for Him going forward?

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