Weekly Reflection - Epiphany of the Lord (2025)

"Go and search diligently for the child." (Mt. 2:8)


This Sunday is the Epiphany of the Lord. The wise men or magi show us the conditions necessary to find Christ in our lives. They received the grace that left them no room for doubt to set out and look for the child.  They did this without over calculating the dangerous conditions or obstacles they might encounter.  When they no longer saw the star, they continued in faith.  The journey was not easy but they were rewarded upon finding Jesus with his mother.


They sought the child diligently.  We begin this new year as Pilgrims of Hope. Naturally our desire is to grow in our relationship with God.  Jesus is not easy.  He rewards those who make the effort to encounter him.  Anything worthwhile in life is difficult.  In the gym, we often hear the words "no pain, no gain." When our sentiments go against this desire or when we have to walk amidst challenges, let us go forward trusting in the star we saw. 


Questions for Reflection: 

What is my New Year's resolution regarding my spiritual life?

  • Do I schedule time for God daily?
  • Do I know how to continue to walk in faith when my sentiments and emotions are in conflict? 

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