Weekly Reflection - Feast of the Holy Family (2024)

"Son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been looking for you with great anxiety." (Lk. 2:48)


This Sunday is the Feast of the Holy Family.  We are still within the Octave of Christmas and continue to meditate on God's love for us.  From the very beginning, Mary and Joseph had to walk amidst lights and shadows.  They had to submit themselves to divine providence and not question God's dealings with them.


The realism of the Gospel should help us accept God for who he is.  We have to maintain a correct hierarchy of our faculties.  Our intellect and our reason guide us but should be illuminated by faith.  The gospel says that Mary pondered the things that happened to her, meditating upon them in her heart.  God speaks to us by the things that happen to us.  When we are trying to make sense of things we should remember that with God even darkness is light. Though we may not receive all the answers now, when our life is over we will.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I look at Mary and Joseph as models of faith? 
  • Do I often try to solve things in my head or speak to God about them from my heart? 
  • Does the truth that God could never desire anything bad for me help me understand that there is some silver lining in my suffering?

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