Weekly Reflection - The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

"Take it; this is my body." (Mt. 26:26)

This Sunday is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.  No one except  God could come up with such  an extraordinary way to stay with us.  He abides in Cathedrals as well as the smallest mission Churches.  Anywhere we see the tabernacle lamp burning we are assured by faith that he is there.  He remains to console, strengthen, enlighten and bring peace.  By spending time with Him, he sends us grace for the building up of his Mystical Body.

We have lived a Eucharistic fast over the past year.  For many it has sparked a new appreciation for his living presence that feeds our deepest spiritual needs.  Let us never take his presence for granted.


  • Have I come to appreciate the Eucharist in a new way this year? 
  • After not receiving communion for a period of time what was my experience upon receiving Him? 
  • Has my hunger for the Eucharist increased? 
  • Do I add to my schedule Eucharistic Adoration?

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