Weekly Reflection - Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

"He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross." (Philippians 2:8)


This Sunday is Palm Sunday and marks the beginning of Holy Week.  Jesus came from the Father and is returning to Him.  His hour has come.  As we listen to the Passion narrative, we are faced again with the reality of God's love for us and our response.

We are all protagonists in what we contemplate.  If we look at our lives this past year, we can identify with one of the persons in the tragic events.  Only the contemplation of the scenes of our Redemption can move our hearts.  Love is paid by love.  Let us follow Christ all the way to the cross and not let ourselves be distracted during these Holy Days.

Questions for Reflection: 

  • Am I prepared to participate fully this Holy Week? 
  • Have I scheduled my participation in the Liturgies during the Sacred Triduum? 
  • Do I realize that God has special graces for me during these days according to my disposition to receive them?

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