Weekly Reflection - Pentecost Sunday

"Receive the Holy Spirit." (Jn 20:22)

This Sunday is the Solemnity of Pentecost.  Jesus sends the promised Holy Spirit upon the Apostles.  This is the culmination of the Paschal Mystery.  When we see the bold witness and proclamation by the Apostles it almost appears as a different Church than the one we know today.  However, I have received the same Holy Spirit in Baptism and Confirmation.  We need to reawaken the gifts we have within to become the apostle God has called me to be.  St. Catherine of Sienna's words are inspiring "Be what God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."



  • Do I speak with the Holy Spirit? 
  • Do I extinguish his fire within because of human respect or fear? 
  • Do I have enough silence in my life to perceive his voice? 
  • Am I docile to his inspirations?  

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