Weekly Reflection - 1st Sunday of Lent

"Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days, to be tempted by the devil." (Lk 4:1)


Ash Wednesday marked the beginning of our Lenten journey.  This first Sunday of Lent we contemplate Christ going out to the desert.  This is a mysterious moment in the life of Christ.  Christ being true God and true man, chose to go through every aspect of life for us.  He gives us example and has merited for us every grace we need.

There is a spiritual battle being waged every day for our soul.  Christ teaches us not to enter into dialogue with the devil.  Before Christ suffered his passion, he instructed us to watch and pray.  We will never be tempted more than we can resist.  Christ was victorious over the the devil, sin and death.  With him, we are strong but whoever plays with temptation will get burned.

Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I pray daily in order to resist temptation? 
  • Do I recognize that to play with temptation is in itself sinful? 
  • Am I aware of what the near occasion of sin is for me?

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