Weekly Reflection - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (2022)

"Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for completion?" (Lk. 14:28)


This is the 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time.  Christ invites us to exercise reflection and prudence.  When making decisions, we must always have present God's glory and the good of our soul.  St. John Paul II said in a homily, "It is easy to begin and hard to finish."  He was referring to the need to persevere in our vocation and to repeat in the darkness what we proclaimed in the light.


The prudence of the flesh is concerned with the conservation of our comfort even when our conscience asks us to give witness to Christ.   As Catholics, we are in the world and not of the world.  Christ is a sign of contradiction in the world and we will feel the fear of opposition.  He assures us that he has overcome the world and will give us the strength we need to persevere.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Am I able to overcome fear when it is easier to remain silent? 
  • Do I speak the truth in charity? 
  • If I am not convinced about Church teaching, do I remain in my doubt or do I seek the answers?

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