Weekly Reflection - 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (2024)

"For the world in its present form is passing away." (1 Cor. 7:31)
This is the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time.  St. Paul once again keeps us grounded amidst the many things that fight for our attention.  We know in theory that we are pilgrims in this life but at the same time we act as a sponge trying to soak up every satisfaction that life brings.  It boils down to being detached from anything or anyone that is not God.  
The first reading and the gospel both call for a listening to God's call and a docile and prompt response.  St. Augustine warns us to pay attention to the grace that comes and later passes away.  It's never the same whether we respond to God when He calls or ignore Him.  Christ walks along the shore of our lives as He did the Apostles.  He calls us but keeps walking.
Questions for Reflection: 
  • Does the brevity of life and the reality of eternity help me respond to God? 
  • Do I acknowledge God's promptings in my soul? 
  • Do I recognize that it's never the same whether I respond with generosity or not?

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