Weekly Reflection - 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time (2024)

"A new teaching with authority!  He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him." (Mk. 1:27)


This is the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time.  Moses says that God will raise a prophet like him. Christ is the prophet who has come to teach with authority.  What God says he does.  There is a great need for true leadership in the world today.  St. Pope Paul VI said that "the world doesn't need any more teachers but needs witnesses."


We can only change the world around us if we first change ourselves.  As a country we continue to hear polarizing political news.  We all have a circle of influence.  If I work on myself, those around me will be better from it.  As the rock thrown in a pond creates a ripple effect, so will happen with our lives when we radiate Christ to others.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Am I a positive agent of change in the world? 
  • Do I somehow think I can control the behavior of those around me? 
  • Do I recognize my defects and work to overcome them out of love for Christ? 

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