Weekly Reflection - Palm Sunday (2024)

"He humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross." (Philip. 2:8)


This Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. We accompany the Lord in his triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  We have lived this week many times.   The people acclaim Him as King but those same people will soon shout "crucify him! crucify him!"


The Gospel states that Peter followed Jesus from afar.  He renounced knowing Him the night Jesus was arrested.  The soldiers were completely indifferent to Jesus.  Mary and John accompanied Him closely.  Each one of us are truly protagonists this week.  The world will continue with Spring Break and other worldly occupations.  Jesus asks me in the depth of my heart, "who do you say that I am?"


Questions for Reflection:

  • Am I decided to follow Jesus all the way to the cross? 
  • Who do I most identify with this year (Peter, Mary Magdalen, John)? 
  • In my life until now:  What have I done for Christ?  What am I doing for Him now?  What am I not willing to do for Him?

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