Weekly Reflection - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (2024)

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." (Mt. 24:35)


This is the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.  The end times are at the forefront as the liturgical year draws to a close.   This has been a theme that has challenged the Church from the very beginning.  Humankind has always asked 'when'. Christ himself does not give the answer but rather explains 'how'.  Each generation has seen signs that it appears to be the end. 


What should concern us is to strive for holiness.  We should leave in God's hands the circumstances and be attentive to the present moment.  What we can control is charity.  No one or anything can prevent us from becoming a saint.  The words of St. Joan of Ark resonate in a special way today: "I am not afraid, God is with me, I was born for this."


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I practice the daily examen? 
  • Is there something I need to change that is difficult and I put off? 
  • Is there a worldly concern that is distracting me from living in the present moment?

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