Weekly Reflection - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Take courage; get up, Jesus is calling you." (Mk 10:49)


This 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time the gospel presents us the blind Bartimaeus.  He is the model of every true encounter with Christ.  He recognizes his need, is aware that he can't heal himself and cries out in faith to the only one who can.  He perseveres in the midst of obstacles and is rewarded.

Self sufficiency is what prevents us from being healed.  We never really acknowledge our need for the Savior.  When we depend completely on the Lord he's able to help us.  Jesus is not easy and will not force himself where he is not invited.  We should open wide the doors of our hearts to Christ and invite him to be the Lord of our lives. (St. John Paul II)

Questions for Reflection: 

  • Does my prayer manifest my dependence on God? 
  • Have I allowed self sufficiency to enter my life where I simply ask God to help me fulfill my plans? 
  • Am I willing to do whatever it takes to find Jesus?

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