Walking With Purpose

September 14


Stop by the table in the Narthex after all Masses on Sunday, August 25, Saturday, August 31 or Sunday, September 1 to learn more about this very exciting women's ministry coming to Good Shepherd!




Walking With Purpose women's Bible Study is coming to Good Shepherd!  Small groups will meet weekly and will begin with the "Opening Your Heart" study, the starting point to developing and depening your personal relationship with Jesus.

All women are invited to join us on September 14th in the Fr. Philip Wells Hall for a welcome meeting from 9-11 am.  A continental breakfast will be served.  There will be time to meet and get to know other women in the parish, learn more about the program and sign up to join a small group. 

Please join us to come see how this program will help you grow and flourish as a woman of God!   

What is Walking With Purpose?

Who is Lisa Brenninkmeyer?


What's Happening at Good Shepherd


1st & 3rd Sunday 11 am Mass

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Sunday 9 & 11 am Masses
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