Weekly Reflection - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters." (Gal. 5:13)


This is the Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time.  It's impossible not to be attracted to the person of Christ.  He offers us the true freedom that we long for.  Those who sin becomes slaves of sin.  St. Paul says that he does not do the good that he wants but the bad that he does not want.  


We all go through this on a daily basis.  The Blessed Virgin Mary is the only person born without Original Sin.  We are called to know ourselves, accept ourselves and overcome ourselves.  If we are honest, we know where our attachments lie.  St. John of the Cross says that a bird can be bound by a chain as well as a string.  We must be willing to die completely to ourselves in order to be truly free.  Christ offers us true freedom, let us not be satisfied with anything less. 


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Have I made a decision to leave everything that keeps me from Christ? 
  • Without saying it, is there anything I place before Him? 
  • What am I not willing to do in order to experience the freedom Christ promises me?

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