Weekly Reflection - 24th Sunday In Ordinary Time

"Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." (Mk 8:34)


The readings for this 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time have a Lenten tone.  Isaiah speaks of the suffering servant who willingly accepts unjust treatment without complaining. Jesus in the gospel directs some of His hardest words to Peter who tries to dissuade Him from following the path of humiliation and obedience.

We can't escape the cross.  It will always be present.  Either it is the cross of Christ which redeems and sanctifies or the one of our own choosing.  The true cross is the one we would least choose for ourselves.  This time period offers limitless opportunities to imitate the patience of Jesus in accepting our cross.


Questions for Reflection: 
Am I able to call my difficulties what they are from God's perspective:  The Cross? 
Am I able to pause and ask myself how Jesus would react to a situation in my life which causes me pain? 
Do I realize that there is no Resurrection without passing through the Cross?  


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