Weekly Reflection - 2nd Sunday of Lent (2025)

"He took him outside and said: Look up at the sky and count the stars, if you can. Just so, he added, will your descendants be." (Gen. 15:5)


This is the Second Sunday of Lent. God revealed himself to humankind.  This is the foundation of our faith and security. We did not bring ourselves into existence nor do we have control over life's outcomes.  I don't have to do guesswork regarding what's expected of me.


In the fullness of time, God sent his son into the world.  When I gaze at the son's face I see who I am called to become.  Lent is a time to renew our faith in God who can neither deceive nor be deceived.  I must submit my intellect and will be illumined by faith in God who guides my steps when my feelings and emotions object.  God was faithful to Abraham as he is faithful in our lives.  When we don't see clearly, we must cling to God who in due time will lift us up.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • How is my faith? 
  • Am I able to guide my life by my intellect and reason illumined by faith? 
  • When my feelings and emotions object, am able to stay the course? 

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