Weekly Reflection - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

"But she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood." (Mk 12:44)


This 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Jesus shows us the example of the widow's mite.  Our Christian faith is one of love and generosity.  Our human tendency is for self conservation.  We are afraid to lose what we think is necessary.  We all have true necessities and others that we have created for ourselves which do not necessarily give us the happiness we ardently long for.


Christ teaches us to  trust in divine providence which assures us that at no moment we will be without God's help.  We need to pray as if everything depends on God and work as if everything depends on us.  Life teaches that those who have been most generous with God regarding time, treasure and talent have gained one hundred fold here and the promise of eternal life to come.


Questions for Reflection: 

  • Do I live a simple life? 
  • Am I aware that what is superfluous to me is a need for another person? 
  • Do I give until it hurts as Mother Teresa often said?  

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